
August - October 2023 Update

Website Update You'll start to see some changes with the website fairly soon! We've gotten an updated payment processor from Paypal to allow for Venmo and Pay Later! You'll also notice we're no longer going to be preselling product and waiting for restocks from Games Workshop. There are high demand kits that have been out of stock for a year or more at this point like the Loonshrine, Skragrot. The most recent culprit of this is the Gladiator Lancer. Another thing you'll be noticing is some of our product range being updated, for the time being we are getting out of Conquest and Judgement, but we're adding more Shatterpoint and potentially legion and Warcrow when it comes out. We're also actively working on getting international shipping working through our postage service so we can better service our customers.  Next you'll see an event link that will have everything we are going to be running, vending, and/or playing at! If you see an event on that list

July 2023 Update

 Outstanding Orders Any orders that are previously outstanding and any orders that are placed between July 26th through August 12th will experience shipping delays, as we are going to be attending the American Team Championship in Chattanooga, Tennessee then immediately attending GenCon in Indianapolis, Indiana. We apologize for the delay, but please keep this in mind when ordering. We will not be at our shipping station in that period of time.  HOWEVER, we will still be keeping an eye out on Games Workshop's webstore to get items in that are outstanding while we are away and working with our Games Workshop representative to do the same. Any item that does come in to complete an order will ship the next day after our return.  Monthly Updates This year has been full of surprises for everyone I'm sure. We'll be getting back on track to find time to write these and keep to it. I'll be writing a full synopsis of everything going on and keep you all informed. It'll more

Membership, Location, Website and More!

 Blogpost #3: Membership and More! Hey all! It has been a while since we have given an update so we wanted to detail out our membership, entry methods, and let you in on what we have been up to. We have hit a few of our milestones in the past couple of weeks, primarily being our website, some merch, and potentially finding a back up location. Lets make you excited to be a member of Kaiju Gaming Lounge! Entry Methods:     To not beat around the bush, our store is going to have a paid play space with a few entry methods. This sounds like a major point of contention, so we want to make it tremendously clear that we want people in our store benefitting from our entry methods. We have three main entry methods: Day Passes, Tournament Entry, and Membership. Before we go over our entry methods though we do want to make the small note, all entry methods will be purchasable with our Loyalty Point system. We are still hammering out the specific numbers for points but think of it working like &quo


  Blogpost #2: Roadmap     Hello again from Kaiju Gaming Lounge! In this article we wanted to go over what you should expect from us in the coming months, some of our current progress, and a cool thing or two that happened this week. Our plan is to have a bi-weekly/monthly update depending on milestones we achieve to keep people up to date. Current Roadmap: First and foremost: Entry into Store, Membership, and Day Passes      To not beat around the bush, our store is going to have a paid play space with a few entry methods. This sounds like a major point of contention, so we want to make it tremendously clear that we want people in our store benefitting from our entry methods. Beginning with our Day Passes, which is daily entry with a fixed cost, being as easy to achieve as possible while also supporting the store gets you access to a few membership benefits as well. Our membership idea is more than just access to the store: it's being a part of the store and the communities within


Who are we? We are Kaiju Gaming Lounge! We consist of Aaron Wilcox, Cassandra Grondin, Christopher Randles, and Karl Rohr. We are a group of individuals that are looking to open a premium gaming experience in Orlando Florida. Between the four of us we have over 40 years of cumulative experience in the friendly local game store industry. Out of those 40 plus years we have over 10 years of community building and tournament organizing experience for various games.  Games we plan on supporting? The short answer? Everything. If there's a community for it, we will help support the community. If there are a few members of a community who are looking for cards, miniatures, and games we will help you get it. Initially we are planning on the following in no particular order: Magic the Gathering Flesh and Blood Pokemon Digimon Yu-gi-oh! Dragon Ball Super Cardfight Vanguard Warhammer: 40K Age of Sigmar Infinity Conquest Kings of War X-wing Armada Legion Warmachine/Hordes Marvel: Crisis Protoco